Sham Empires And Other Shamanigations
Non-Libertarian dictum (maybe): Western Libertarianism is the desire to have absolute freedom in all things while not having the brains to realize that what one seeks eventually, inevitably, relies on having to enslave a majority.
A reality: The header image is one of Mosul, after the US and Allied forces’ bombing campaign. I apologize; I know it’s wrong to say such things.
US Arm-Mania Against Azur Bay Jann
I’m trying to be more consistent with my postings, but the research and the occasional conversations required don’t always cooperate with my timetable, and my current employment situation, and the nature of the account I’m attached to has had me working all sorts of hours and schedules since May, barring me from establishing anything close to a sleep pattern… it’s really having its toll on my body, energy, and focus, I’m finding.
The growing, looming threat of a world war doesn’t do much to boost morale, either.
So, why do I lose more needed sleep each time one of the US’ crazier and greedier warmonger decides to travel?
The coded messages in all of this are those with which they paint our reality, for what’s observable is, in fact, the truth: The US Establishment are immoral A-Holes with little care or concern for most people, whom they are willing to step and piss on then explode just to potentially gain one point on the Dow Jones. And they’re willing to spark you up any which way if it means taking Russia down and saving that dollar.
The old bat deserves a heart attack right about now, but there’s plenty more scum waiting to creep into her role. Gotta get the nest.
Also: Co. SoVo Fires Sir Beeya; he ran to avoid Isra Hell.
Biden’s speech at the UNGA: At least he’s consistent; he’s always been suffering in the integrity department, always pushing lies to trigger, promote, or maintain some war in between all the dodgy lies that plague his career and personal life. To listen to him stand there and tell those lies with no hesitation or a hint of shame, painting Putin as the devil knowing full well the reality he’s played a part in creating and in dissimulating, spouting his BS about global principles and rules-based order as he takes his turn to lead the most immoral and arrogant bunch bar none… it makes my blood boil. Look at the real man, realize what he’s involved in, and know that he’s always been the contemptable, hypocritical, white-supremacy-upholding warmonger that he is, he just used to be more lucid about it, and with less power. Not sure if that’s good thing.
As far as humans go, he’s pure trash. Him, Obama, and the Clinton’s, especially Hillary… (Bush and Trump, too,obviously) more on this further down. (next post)
Speaking of trash, their junkyy puppet, Zelenskyy, also delivered a speech at the UNGA. Is it just me or has he turned into an actor you wouldn’t even want to see being cast into anything you’re sure to never watch? The man allows this to be done to his country by the West whilst fully cognizant of the genocide he’s helping orchestrate, and he dares to see himself above Putin? He’s actually a notch below scum snot, as far as I’m concerned. Do Ukrainians realize that, if NATO Ukraine wins, they’ll have no country left? The same is now true in terms of regaining from Russia a Ukraine in a better situation than before the West medddled in.
The latest Putin speech: Putin’s so-called threat… far from being an utterance that carried the menace that the Western press made it out to be. I swear, from the beginning, it’s the US that’s been mentioning nuclear weapons and assuming that’s that what Putin meant with each turn. Yet, he’s sent the troops to stop a genocide, and, now, to secure the land that’s to help assure Russia’s survival due the existential threat it actually, truly faces, for the goal of what’s transpiring in Ukraine has little to do with Ukraine other than it’s next to Russia. The aim was always to weaken Russia, bring it to its knees through the economy, then topple the government and break up the country into several US-ruled ‘sovereign’ states (How many countries did they get out of Yugoslavia?) while taking care of China, Russia being out of the way.
This plan has been a dream of western elites for several decades, and it turned into reality thanks to a drunken Yeltsin, but a Putin put a stick in their wheels, then destroyed their wheels with a statement he’d made not long after the 2008 credit crisis that had led him to conclude that the world’s economy would, surely, fare much better if not entirely under the control of one power (and their Wall Street).
The same plan was now being parceled up per the impression of the mad Putin needing to be contained that the West enforces, and presented as a briefing by the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe on 23-Jun-2022. See: Decolonization of Russia to Be Discussed at Upcoming Helsinki Commission Briefing | CSCE
Here’s the “threat” that Putin made — this is straight from the Kremlin and the translation has been validated — said after mentioning several actual threats made by Western and NATO leaders, of which I included just the last paragraph:
They have even resorted to the nuclear blackmail. I am referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear disaster, but also to the statements made by some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction — nuclear weapons — against Russia.
I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well, and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries have. In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.
The citizens of Russia can rest assured that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be defended — I repeat — by all the systems available to us. Those who are using nuclear blackmail against us should know that the wind rose can turn around.
It is our historical tradition and the destiny of our nation to stop those who are keen on global domination and threaten to split up and enslave our Motherland. Rest assured that we will do it this time as well.
The official transcript: Address by the President of the Russian Federation
Even limp Joe “The Radical Communist” Biden has made more threatening speeches aimed at Russia as well as China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and a few others. Also, didn’t he say something about striking voters with F-15s? Who cares if the last isn’t quite accurate? The rest is and all tha matters is selling an impression, this is news, after all.
And it’s been hitting us from every angle and bounced back to us from any side: Putin, the man who never mentioned nuclear weapons once throughout all of this but, per DC and the world that licks WH butt, he’s obsessed with them to the point of manufacturing reasons to use them anywhere.
That Putin is menacing the world with a nuclear strike by saying something else is what’s the normal for crazy, tsarist-fetishizing shamists suffering from US envy. Of course. The Americans went to Ukraine because they just wanted to chew on some wheat and to pick Pansies for the International Hegemonic Floral Freedom Arrangement competition, and the Russians just went nuts, completely lost it and threatened Pansie pickers with a nuclear strike. Trust ‘us’; we are the ‘US’.
A story as old as time…
Here’s the version Westerners are to buy, this one from the conservative The National Post, but it’s like all the others in the way it ignores all that preceded it and condenses, ‘Stop threatening Russia with long range missiles and calls to use WMDs on us or Russia will fight back. I’m not bluffing,’ into ‘Putin is threatening the world with nuclear weapons. He’s not bluffing.’
Putin also threatened to use Russia’s arsenal of nuclear weapons, warning that he was not bluffing.
Asked about those comments, Joly said she would “echo the words of the (UN) Secretary General. It’s not only irresponsible, it’s unthinkable. And so Putin is playing with fire.”
Sigh. Properly contextualized and taken within the whole, the media chose the same snippets, presenting these in the same way, and painting the same false impression, all of it just by coincidence, or is all of mainstream media now created by no more than three to five folks?
As far as the “more modern weapons” goes, that aspect is confirmed. NATO is due for an overhaul and don’t forget: Russia has supersonic missiles, the US has none in production that I’m aware of.
Reminds me of the loony versions of Putin’s pre-intervention speech that we were served up and that most bought into… and too many still do, apparently.
His argument was basically that a Ukrainian nation does not exist. Ukraine is “not just a neighboring country for us,” Putin said. “It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space.”
Source: Putin, Lenin, and Ukrainian Self-Determination
If I tell you, “You’re not just my neighbour, you’re an inseparable part of me,” you may be slightly creeped out, especially if I say it before my first coffee of the day, but how on earth am I saying that you don’t exist?
Putin does state that Russia created Ukraine, which is both true and false depending on one’s scope, from identity to systems to borders; there’s a difference between ‘a country’ and ‘a nation’ though some will collapse them into the same sense, for they fail to recognize the nuances and the idiomatic weight of such words, which are often lost in translation or through the eyes of another nation.
I won’t go into any of that as, ultimately, I’m not qualified to pronounce a clear interpretation of Putin’s intented meaning and the hidden aspirations these revealed, couching my assessment within a diachronic historical perspective that includes Genghis Khan and brings me into Putin’s head, but I do feel qualified enough to say that, based on the original transcripts and what the press delivered as their translation, and the interpretations that followed, the West is full of shit.
“We create the facts and your fears” is, currently, the least offensive slogan I find acceptable for the majority of Western media; anything that paints them in any more of a positive light offends me like you can’t imagine. If I had my way — that is, after you’d convinced me that obliterating these entities isn’t the way to go — they’d all be forced to operate under the tag “We’re absolute scum” until they can prove a firm comprehension of honesty not just being a buzz word and that news isn’t an alien and uncertain process left to the whims of advert space.
• • •
The thing to keep in mind, and why I’m still hopeful that peace will win — providing that the West is willing to seek it, not just throw its rules-based-value positive words around like it usually does — is the very real possibility that the West, prompted by the US, is existentially threatening Russia and China because the West’s very own continued existence relies on it, for it relies on economic hegemony if its valueless dollar is to be given a value.
Universal Algorithmic Galactic Tweaking: This morning, I was listening to iEarlGrey, a St. Petersburg-based British expat YouTuber, telling his viewers that, with the partial mobilization announced and with the sham calls of regional referenda being shams, their path together was almost certainly coming to an end as the West was sure to want to seal off any bridge, Web or real, that connected Russia to the white supremacist Western world that much of his audience resides in.
I subscribed to iEarlGrey’s channel fairly recently, and he is a charismatic and pleasant fellow but I can’t say that I’m attached to him, yet, a feeling of deep sadness flooded over me; it was an odd mixture of disappointment, hopelessness, regret, shame, anger, and fury with a hint of acid reflux. In other words, my usual sentiments re the US neolib-focused, neocon-pleasing Establishment blended with the disillusionment wrought by Western leaders and the despair that currently accompanies many thoughts on humanity.
When I hear the Bidens and Blinkens and Pelosis and the von der Leyens and Baerbocks and Macrons and Trusses of this world… it’s a visceral reaction; I immediately tense up and entertain thoughts best left unsaid. The level of deception they employ is dyzzying, and their hatred and willingness to inflict harm on other nations is sure to be legendary should the public ever wake up and see them for what they really are.
Peace. Who says no to a peace agreement that would have avoided much death; who avoids peace talks that could have put a stop before a start? Who chooses senseless war. Every time.
Rules-based international order. Another way of saying “bend over!”
One cannot be considered a progressive and support any of the actions that have been carried out by the West as concerns Ukraine or Taiwan. Period.